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Democrats say Cuomo must resign. He’s refusing. What now?

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is being asked to resign by prominent Democrats including President Biden. | Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Impeachment looms, but Democrats are still hoping he’ll quit first.

The new report accusing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, of sexually harassing several women has raised the odds that he’ll be ousted from office — but it hasn’t entirely quieted fears that he’ll be let off the hook.

The report from the New York state attorney general’s office documented testimony from 11 women, mostly state employees, who allege that Cuomo acted inappropriately toward them. The accusations covered conduct ranging from unwanted kissing and touching to inappropriate comments. One state employee claims Cuomo groped her breast; others describe the governor telling sex jokes and commenting on how they looked.

This isn’t even the only scandal Cuomo’s facing — investigators are looking into his handling of data on Covid-19 deaths at New York nursing homes and whether he used state resources to write and promote a book, among other matters. Criminal charges from county prosecutors are also possible. (In response, a lawyer for the governor issued a statement asserting that the worst of the allegations are simply untrue, and Cuomo himself claimed in a Twitter video that he has a habit of touching people’s faces and doesn’t intend anything sexual by it.)

A chorus of top Democrats on the national and state levels — including President Joe Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, New York City Democratic mayoral nominee Eric Adams, and New York’s entire Democratic congressional delegation — have concluded that enough is enough and demanded Cuomo’s resignation.

The problem is that, for now at least, he says he won’t.

 Win McNamee/Getty Images
In a press conference on Tuesday, August 3, President Joe Biden told reporters that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo should resign following the results of a state investigation into his behavior.

So, what’s next? An impeachment vote in the New York State Assembly looms, posing the threat that Cuomo could be removed from power involuntarily. But Democrats are still hoping that won’t be necessary. As New York state Sen. James Skoufis said recently, the hope is that once it’s made clear to Cuomo that his impeachment and removal is certain, he’ll resign to save some face.

Scandal-plagued politicians often don’t resign because of shame or docility, but because they’ve concluded that leaving office voluntarily is the least bad, most face-saving option for them personally.

That could still happen. But Cuomo, evidently, has not yet concluded that he’s doomed. We’ve seen politicians fend off calls for resignation and beat back impeachment efforts before, even in the face of seemingly damning evidence. If Cuomo keeps on refusing to go, Democrats will have two options to oust him against his will: 1) through impeachment, and 2) in the 2022 elections, if impeachment fails and Cuomo continues his reelection bid.

Cuomo appears headed toward impeachment

A scandal-spurred resignation is nothing new for New York Democrats, given the downfalls of Gov. Eliot Spitzer (in 2008) and Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (in 2018). But Cuomo seems to be trying a different strategy — that of Donald Trump, who stayed in both the 2016 presidential race after several women accused him of sexual misconduct and in the White House after numerous scandals. Cuomo may also be thinking about Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam: Practically every leading Democrat asked him to resign when photos showing him in blackface surfaced in 2019, but he stayed in office and has since been welcomed back into polite Democratic company.

Cuomo’s political position looks far worse than Trump’s or Northam’s was. Though some top Republican politicians occasionally repudiated Trump, many others remained loyal to him despite years of scandals, as did the vast majority of GOP voters. But polls already show a narrow majority of Democratic voters in the state saying Cuomo should resign.

Northam’s scandal, meanwhile, did not involve official misconduct, so impeachment never went anywhere. But leaders of the New York State Assembly, which has the power of impeachment, have said they’re very serious about it, and hope to make it happen in months.

 David Dee Delgado/Getty Images
On Tuesday, New York Attorney General Letitia James (center) presents the findings of an independent investigation looking into allegations of sexually harassment by Gov. Cuomo.

Impeachment plays out similarly in the New York state legislature to the way it does for a US president in Congress. The assembly goes first, and a majority vote there is necessary for impeachment. Then a trial would be held in the state senate, with a two-thirds vote there being necessary to convict Cuomo, remove him from office, and ban him from holding future office in the state. (One difference is that the “jury” in this trial will be 62 state senators plus seven judges of the state court of appeals, all of whom were appointed by Cuomo.)

Democrats have large majorities in both chambers, so Cuomo’s fate will depend on them. As with Trump, Cuomo’s best hope may be the two-thirds threshold necessary for conviction in the senate. If he holds on to just 24 votes there, he’ll be able to stay in power.

Still, Democrats are hoping to avoid the ugly, protracted process of impeachment, by getting Cuomo to resign. One way to do that would be to make clear that those state senate votes aren’t there for him, and that the outcome truly is inevitable — if, in fact, it is.

If Cuomo survives impeachment, there’s an election next year

As of now, Cuomo still seems set on running for a fourth term as governor, and no Democrat has stepped up to challenge him in the June 2022 primary. So if he does manage to fend off impeachment — and if, improbable as it may seem today, he stays in the race for another term — the party would face quite a dilemma.

That is: they’d need at least one strong challenger to oust Cuomo, but if several enter the race and Cuomo stays in, it may be challenging for the party to coordinate around one alternative.

According to the New York Times’s Katie Glueck, “many Democrats hope” that state attorney general Letitia James, whose office released this week’s report on Cuomo’s conduct, will run, but it’s not clear whether she will. An early, unified party backing around one challenger would be another way to send Cuomo the message that time’s up for him.

But Cuomo could gamble that he’s more in touch with rank-and-file party voters than his critics are. Glueck writes that he’s been seeking “to connect with those voters — especially older voters — who might be sympathetic to his suggestion that many of the allegations of misconduct can be traced to ‘generational or cultural’ differences or misunderstandings.” And, if things truly get to this point, it really would be those voters who make the call.

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